Notifications - Deep-links

If you would like this notification to link out to either a page within the app or an external URL, select "This Notification is a Deeplink."

Here, you can either select an existing Deeplink that is in the system or create a new one for a url or news article. 

Notes and Tips:

  • If you use a deep link with your push notification then your message title and description will be limited to 40 characters (title) and 125 characters (message).
    • The reason for this is that the push notification will direct to the link as soon as the user clicks on the notification on their phone or in the notification center of the app.
    • This has always been the case with our apps, so in mid-2023 we improved our system by including the limit in the CMS to help keep you from entering text that your guests will ultimately not be able to see.
  • If you want to provide more information than the character limit allows then use the deeplink to link the push notification to a news article or include the link the message.
  • If you want to link to a specific place within the app and the deeplink doesn't already exist then please contact client support with a list of deeplinks that need to be made.

For more details on using deeplinks to create dynamic notification content check out this guide: Push Notifications - Creating Dynamic Content

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