Ticketmaster Integration

The Aloompa platform supports integration with Ticketmaster, allowing your app users to access their tickets directly in your Aloompa app.

Client Support will assist in this integration. To kick things off, we need you to provide approval to Ticketmaster for us to access their SDK (software development kit). 

  • Please have a VP or higher at your organization send the below client SDK approval email to us. The email must come from someone at the company that has a contract with Ticketmaster (meaning, if your event is taking place within a venue and the venue holds the contract with TM, the email must come from a VP at the venue, not from your organization).
    • "I, [Name], [Position], at [Client Name], hereby approve Ticketmaster to provide to [Aloompa] the Ticketmaster SDK with access to the [Client Name]'s Archtics database. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you, [Name} [Date]."

It will take 5-7 days for this process, please allow time during the setup of your app.

During the process of building your app, if you make any changes to your event data on the Ticketmaster site please refresh the data in their Account Manager portal. TM refers to this as a "CAM/OSS" refresh. Discuss this directly with your TM rep for more details. 

In advance of your event, we recommend sending a push notification to all app users encouraging them to access their tickets the day prior to entering. Ticketmaster data is cached locally on a user's device for up to 1 day. This means that if your event could have spotty connectivity or a large number of attendees could stress the local cell phone networks, users will still be able to access their tickets in the app if they have logged in and viewed their tickets in advance. 

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