GPS Maps - Map Overlay

Map Overlay Video Guide

A Map Overlay combines an event map you create with the actual GPS Map to give your attendees an understanding of the location of event spaces compared with surrounding areas. 

The overlay must be designed to scale and also must be oriented to true north. We recommend that you design it while referencing Google Earth. Taking a picture of how your GPS map appears in the Aloompa CMS is a great starting point and will help ensure you or your designer create an overlay that will align properly with the GPS map. You will not be able to rotate the image within the CMS, so you must ensure it is oriented to true north prior to upload. 

Do not include map pins on the image you create. The map pins will be added by the app based on the locations you enter in the CMS. 


The largest side must be a maximum of 3,000px
Resolution: 72 pixels/inch
Required Format: PNG
Tips on Uploading:
- Allow up to 20 minutes for the map you upload to be visible in the CMS. Maps that cover more area will take longer to load than a small area. Once you upload and save the map if you navigate back into the map and it appears your edits did not save this likely means the map is not done uploading to our server. Do not make any changes, just cancel and check again after allowing more time. 
- Before you start, make sure your center latitude and longitude are set to the center of your event location. Then, click +Upload Map Overlay.
- To adjust the size, click the top right corner and drag to make the image larger or smaller.
- To move the map, click anywhere on it and drag it. 
- Use the Full-Screen option to get a better view of the map. Once the major spots start to line up, zoom in and check to ensure specific streets are aligned. 
- Adjust the opacity of your map while editing to view the Google map better when working to align the maps. 
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