AppStore - iOS Search Keywords

Search plays a huge role in how users discover and download content on the App Store. 

Search results are ranked based on a number of factors, including:

  • Text relevance. Matches for your app’s title, keywords, and primary category.
  • User behavior. Downloads, as well as the quality and quantity of ratings and reviews.

Ensuring that you use accurate keywords will help your users find your app in the App Store. 

A few tips on picking your Search Keywords:

  • Keywords are limited to 100 characters, so be concise when describing your app.
  • While spaces shouldn’t be used before or after the commas that separate keywords and keyword phrases, you can use spaces to separate words within keyword phrases. For example: Property,Real Estate,House.
  • Choose keywords based on words you think your audience will use to find an app like yours. Be specific when describing your app’s features and functionality to help the search algorithm surface your app in relevant searches.
  • Consider the trade-off between ranking higher for less common terms versus ranking lower for popular terms. While people may frequently search for terms such as “jobs” or “social,” these terms have highly competitive rankings. More uncommon terms may be searched less often, but aren’t as competitive.
  • The unauthorized use of trademarked terms, celebrity names, or other protected words and phrases is not allowed and is a common reason for App Store rejection. The use of terms that aren’t relevant to the app and the use of competing app names are similarly prohibited.
  • Avoid special characters — such as # or @ — unless they’re part of your brand identity. Special characters don’t carry extra weight in search ranking.
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