App Store - Generating an Apple API Key for Automated iOS Shipments

In order to automate iOS shipments, you must send an Admin invite to for AppStore Connect/Apple Developer (see article Sending invites to developer accounts)

In addition to this, you must provide an AppStore Connect API Key and values that only the owner/Account Holder of the AppStore Connect/Apple Developer account can generate. 

Steps to generate and what to provide are as follows: 

Things to provide to Aloompa: 

1. Team / Account Name

2. Team ID 

3. AppStore Connect API Key 

4. Key ID 

5. Issuer ID 

Finding your Team ID: 

1. Log in to Apple Developer 

2. Go to the “Account” tab in the top right corner 

3. From the left side menu go to “Membership” 

4. You will see your Team ID as shown in the screenshot below

Generating an API Key/Key ID/Issuer ID

1. Log in to AppStore Connect 

2. Go to the “Users and Access” module 

3. Go to the second tab titled “Integrations” 

4. Select the “+” button 

5. In the window that pops up, enter “Aloompa” as the name and “Admin” as the access

6. Copy the Issuer ID, Key ID, and select “Download API Key” as shown in the screenshot below

Once done, please send us your Team/Account Name, Team ID, Issue ID, Key ID, and the downloaded API Key.

Tip: If you reach the App Store Connect API screen and find that you do not have a link to "Download API Key," you need to first revoke our access and add us back using When you revoke our access, the IDs will change so please be sure you are sending us the API Key that corresponds to the correct Issuer ID and Key ID. If you still have difficulty, review the Apple documentation related to Creating API Keys here: Creating API Keys for App Store Connect API

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