How to Create Push Notifications

Scroll down to read a full step-by-step guide on how to create push notifications, or watch this video.

1. Navigate to

2. Click "Messaging"

3. Click "Notifications"

4. Click "+ New Notification"

5. Enter your push notification title.

6. Enter your notification message.

Tip! We recommend keeping the message under 150 characters for the majority of phones to show the entire message.

If you include a URL in your Notification Message (with a deep link) that URL will be clickable by app users. They will receive the notification, select it and be taken to the notification within your app, and be able to click the URL there. For this reason, we limit the characters allowed in the Notification Title & Notification Message.

7. Click on the drop-down under "Push Tag" to choose which group to send the message to.

8. If you would like to schedule this message for later, then mark the checkbox for "Send this notification later". It will prompt you to choose a date and time.

Alert! If you do not click this check box then you will be choosing to send the notification right now.

9. Click "Save Notification"

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