Language Support and Translations Guide

This guide will walk you through the process of making your app available to customers using non-English languages. This option is available as an add-on feature, so please discuss it with your sales executive. 

The language that a customer sees in their app is selected during onboarding and can also be edited in the app settings.

There are many fields within your app where you can change the verbiage yourself within the CMS which we will cover below. 

Note: Our codebase supports many languages but please be sure to confirm your language is supported early in the process. Also, ensure that you provide us with the exact "Locale" if the language has multiple variations. For example, French vs. French (Canada). You can determine the locale on your mobile device. Navigate to Language Settings and let us know what your phone would be set to when using this language. 

Translations Screen

The Translations Screen allows you to modify the language used in multiple locations throughout your app. For example, common terms such as "Add to Schedule" and "Save". 

In the CMS, Navigate to Event Details and select the Translations screen. If you are offering only English, you will be taken straight to the list of editable fields. If you are offering multiple languages, then you will see a drop down list to select your language locale. In the example below, we show an event offering English and Spanish. Select the language you would like to modify and then follow instructions in our Translations Screen Guide

Here is an example of the modifications made by our client using the Catalan language support:

Event Details Screens

In addition to modifying verbiage in common places throughout the app on the Translations screen, when you are offering multiple languages you will be able to modify fields in each type of data you enter into the system. 

Here is an example from the Event Data - Places screen within a place. Notice the field names indicate the language for each, i.e. "Place Name," "Place Name (es)," and "Place Name (ca)". This same method is present throughout the CMS. 

Settings Screens

Language support is present in many of the Settings screens as well. 

Date Formats

This screen allows you to set the date format to match what is customary in each country. For example, January 1, 2022, in the US: 1/1/22 (MM/DD/YY) vs. in Europe 22/1/22 (DD/MM/YY). 

Schedule Days

This screen allows you to modify how you want your specific event schedule days to appear in each language.


Within the Categories screen, select a Category. Here, you can modify the language each Category will display to your customers.

Messaging Screen

Similar to other screens we have reviewed so far, the Messaging tab of the CMS offers language support as well. 

In Push Tags, you can modify the language of Push Tags and Categories (read more about what these are in our Creating Push Tags and Categories guide). 

And within an individual Notification, you have the ability to create one single notification with different languages available. 


The weather icon that the customer sees within the app does not require translation within the CMS. The language that the customer sees for the weather is determined by the language they have set on their device. The temperature can be changed from Celsius to Fahrenheit within their app by going to Settings --> Temperature units and toggling between Fahrenheit and Celsius.

Ensure that you navigate through each field in the CMS to add language support for your customers. Test your app in each available language by changing the language in your app settings to match that language and reloading your test app. These extra steps will help create an excellent user experience for customers of all languages using your app! 

Note: Language support is not currently available with our Web Embeds product.

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