Import Fields

For a full guide on imports, visit our Importing Your Data guide. There, we walk you through with both videos and written instructions how to successfully import your data.

When importing your data, it is important that you understand how to use and format each field in your CSV. The definitions below cover all fields within each import spreadsheet and provide instructions on any specific rules such as using upper/lower case, how to successfully link to images, etc. 

*for any website URL that you import into our system, regardless of the field, you must use https NOT http links. 


  • id: This ID is generated by Aloompa when the data is imported. Leave this column blank.
  • feedMappingId*: This id is created by the client and needs to be unique and should not be used again for other performers. We recommend listing them as 101,102,103,104, and so on for how ever many entries you have.
  • name: This is the name you would like to display to your customers.
  • imageCopyrightText: Use the "Copyright Text" field if you would like to add a credit to the image. The information will show in the bottom right side of the image as "Credit: <your text here>". If you would like a copyright symbol © then you will need to include that in your text.
  • image: This should contain URLs (links) to images. Please make sure that the image URL is actually a URL for an image, not simply a link to where you have the image stored. For example, this might look like an image URL but it is not. - The image must be hosted on a publicly available website where anyone can access them without a password. Otherwise, you must save them to your local machine and upload them individually from your computer. For a quick video on how to share your images correctly from Google Drive or Dropbox, click here.
  • status: PUBLIC = visible, PRIVATE = hidden. Enter in all capital letters either PUBLIC or PRIVATE.
  • soundcloudUsername, twitterUsername, websiteUrl, musicUrl, facebookUsername, facebookPageId, instagrameUsername, snapchatUsername, tikTokUsername
  • YoutubeURL: Enter the URL for the YouTube Channel
  • youtubeVideoEmbed: To embed a specific YouTube video simply navigate to the video and copy the URL into this field.
  • spotifyUrl: To find the URL of your Spotify playlist or artist, click the three dots on the playlist or artist, click ‘Share', then click ‘Copy Link.' Place this link in the Spotify URL section. 
  • spotifyUri: To find the URI of your Spotify playlist or artist, this must be done from a computer and not the app. Click the three dots on your playlist or artist, click ’Share', and then hold down ctrl. "Copy link to playlist/artist" will change to ‘Copy Spotify URI.' Click this and place this link in the Spotify URI section. 
  • preview: Preview text is a raw-text preview of the full description (pictured below). The Preview will inherit the text from the description with any formatting stripped from it. If you would like your preview to be something other than the Description, check the "Custom preview text?" box to set your own preview.
  • description: The Description field is used to create customized descriptions for Performers, Places, and Events. When you visit the details screen in the app for any of these entities, tap the "Read More" button to see the fully formatted description. You can include formatting styled with html in this field and it will import that styling into the CMS. Note: if adding an image to the description, ensure the link begins with https:// - our apps do not support linking to images from http, only https
  • eventIds: These are IDs generated by Aloompa. Leave this column blank unless you have the IDs.
  • categoryIds: These are IDs generated by Aloompa. Leave this column blank unless you have the IDs. If using, you can separate multiple categories with a comma. 
  • categories*: Categories must be created in the CMS before importing. They must match exactly (case and spacing). If you'd like to have multiple categories, then separate them with a comma. 
  • userGroups: If you are using our User Groups functionality, enter the name of the User Groups in this field. Separate multiple groups with a comma. i.e.: Southeast Region, Northeast Region

Places & Stages:

  • id: This ID is generated by Aloompa when the data is imported. Leave this column blank.
  • feedMappingId*: This ID is created by the client and needs to be unique and should not be used again for other places. We recommend listing them as 101,102,103,104, and so on for how ever many entries you have. 
  • name*: This is the name you would like to display to your customers.
  • writtenLocation: The Written Location field is used to provide details for the physical location of a Place. 
  • preview: If you are including a description this is the preview of the description. If you do not supply a preview, the import will automatically assign the description text to the preview.
  • description: The Description field is used to create customized descriptions for Performers, Places, and Events. When you visit the details screen in the app for any of these entities, tap the "Read More" button to see the fully formatted description. You can include formatting styled with html in this field and it will import that styling into the CMS. Note: if adding an image to the description, ensure the link begins with https:// - our apps do not support linking to images from http, only https
  • imageCopyrightText: Use the "Copyright Text" field if you would like to add a credit to the image. The information will show in the bottom right side of the image as "Credit: <your text here>". If you would like a copyright symbol © then you will need to include that in your text.
  • latitude / longitude: If you purchase a map upgrade for a GPS map, then enter latitude and longitude here for the place to be shown on the map. If you do not have a GPS map, please do not enter these coordinates as it can cause an issue with your import.
  • status: PUBLIC = visible, PRIVATE = hidden. Enter in all capital letters either PUBLIC or PRIVATE.
  • image: This should contain URLs (links) to images. Please make sure that the image URL is actually a URL for an image, not simply a link to where you have the image stored. For example, this might look like an image URL but it is not. - - The image must be hosted on a publicly available website where anyone can access them without a password. Otherwise, you must save them to your local machine and upload them individually from your computer. For a quick video on how to share your images correctly from Google Drive or Dropbox, click here.
  • placetype*: Your choices here are "stages" or "poi" (places of interest). Please note that in this case, the case sensitivity does not apply. Using "POI" or "Stage" as it appears in the CMS will cause the Place Type to not be assigned during import. The data in this field must be all lower case! Do not leave this field blank. If you do, the import will appear to succeed but no places will be imported. 
  • facebookUsername, facebookPageId, twitterUsername, instagramUsername, snapchatUsername, youtubeUrl, spotifyUrl, websiteUrl: 
  • categoryIds: These are IDs generated by Aloompa. Leave this column blank unless you have the IDs. If using, you can separate multiple categories with a comma. 
  • Categories*: Categories must be created in the CMS before importing. They must match exactly (case and spacing). If you'd like to have multiple categories, then separate them with a comma. 
  • primaryMapId: These are IDs generated by Aloompa. Leave this column blank unless you have the IDs.
  • primaryMap: When using a GPS map, enter the name of your Map exactly as it appears in the CMS under Maps. Leave blank if not using a GPS map.
  • mapcategoryid: These are map category IDs generated by Aloompa. Leave this column blank unless you have the IDs.
  • mapCategory*: If you are using a GPS map, then you must add the name of the map category to the import. This will assign this location to your map so it displays on the GPS map.
  • productIds: If you are using our Products functionality, enter the ProductId in this field if you have it. Otherwise, leave this blank. 
  • products: If you are using our Products functionality enter the name of the Product in this field.
  • userGroups: If you are using our User Groups functionality, enter the name of the User Groups in this field. Separate multiple groups with a comma. i.e.: Southeast Region, Northeast Region
  • commonButtonText: The common button appears on the events list view and can be used for multiple purposes. Many clients use this button to link to their ticketing or check-in website for a single event. In order for the button to appear, the Common Button Text, URL, AND color fields need to be filled out.
  • commonButtonUrl: See above.
  • commonButtonColor: See above.


  • id: This ID is generated by Aloompa when the data is imported. Leave this column blank.
  • feedMappingId*: This ID is created by the client and needs to be unique and should not be used again for other events. We recommend listing them as 101,102,103,104, and so on for how ever many entries you have. 
  • name*: This is the name you would like to display to your customers.
  • description: The Description field is used to create customized descriptions for Performers, Places, and Events. When you visit the details screen in the app for any of these entities, tap the "Read More" button to see the fully formatted description. You can include formatting styled with html in this field and it will import that styling into the CMS. Note: if adding an image to the description, ensure the link begins with https:// - our apps do not support linking to images from http, only https
  • preview: If you are including a description this is the preview of the description. If you do not supply a preview, the import will automatically assign the description text to the preview.
  • image: This should contain URLs (links) to images. Please make sure that the image URL is actually a URL for an image, not simply a link to where you have the image stored. For example, this might look like an image URL but it is not. - The image must be hosted on a publicly available website where anyone can access them without a password. Otherwise, you must save them to your local machine and upload them individually from your computer. For a quick video on how to share your images correctly from Google Drive or Dropbox, click here.
  • imageCopyrightText: Use the "Copyright Text" field if you would like to add a credit to the image. The information will show in the bottom right side of the image as "Credit: <your text here>". If you would like a copyright symbol © then you will need to include that in your text.
  • status: PUBLIC = visible, PRIVATE = hidden. Enter in all capital letters either PUBLIC or PRIVATE.
  • statusmessage: This is a text field. If you would like for a message to show up in the schedule under the event listing, then you can add it here.
  • StartsAt / EndsAt: You must format these as mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss, unless using unix value. On the import screen, if you are not using unix value for this field then please select the right options from the CSV upload screen. Uncheck this: "Times are Unix Time Stamps" Also, select the right time zone in which you wish the times to be in.
  • timeIsTBD: If you prefer to not include any date/time on your event, enter TRUE in this field. Otherwise, if you are using a start/end date (above) this field is FALSE.                                                     
  • placeid: These are IDs generated by Aloompa. Leave this column blank unless you have the place IDs. 
  • Place: This is the location of the event. It should be listed in the "Places" sheet or already entered into the CMS. The name here should match exactly how the place is listed (case and spacing).
  • feedMappingPlaceid: If you would like to match this event with a "place" then use the client-created "feedmappingid" that corresponds with the place.
  • categoryIds: These are IDs generated by Aloompa. Leave this column blank unless you have the IDs. If using, you can separate multiple categories with a comma. 
  • categories*: Categories should be created in CMS before importing. They must match exactly. If you'd like to have multiple categories, then separate them with a comma. 
  • userGroups: If you are using our User Groups functionality, enter the name of the User Groups in this field. Separate multiple groups with a comma. i.e.: Southeast Region, Northeast Region
  • performerids: These are IDs generated by Aloompa. Leave this column blank unless you have the performer IDs that correspond with this performer. Multiple performer IDs should be separated with a comma.
  • performers: This is the performer participating in the event. It should be listed in the "Performers" sheet or already entered into the CMS. The name here should match exactly how the performer is listed (case and spacing). To list multiple performers separate with a comma.
  • feedMappingPerformerids: If you would like to match this event with a "performer" then use the client-created "feedmappingid" that corresponds with the performer. To add multiple performers separate the IDs with a comma and no spaces. 
  • commonButtonText: The common button appears on the events list view and can be used for multiple purposes. Many clients use this button to link to their ticketing or check-in website for a single event. In order for the button to appear, the Common Button Text, URL, AND color fields need to be filled out.
  • commonButtonUrl: See above. 
  • commonButtonColor: See above. 
  • scheduledCount: Leave this blank.


  • id: This ID is generated by Aloompa when the data is imported. Leave this column blank.
  • feedMappingID*: This id is created by the client and needs to be unique and should not be used again for other FAQ. We recommend listing them as 101,102,103,104, and so on for how ever many entries you have.
  • name*: This is the name you would like to display to your customers.
  • status: PUBLIC = visible, PRIVATE = hidden. Enter in all capital letters either PUBLIC or PRIVATE.
  • question: This is the question you would like to display to your customers. 
  • answer: This is the answer to the question.
  • categoryIds: These are IDs generated by Aloompa. Leave this column blank unless you have the IDs. If using, you can separate multiple categories with a comma.
  • categories*: Categories should be created in CMS before importing. They must match exactly. If you'd like to have multiple categories, then separate them with a comma. 
  • userGroups: If you are using our User Groups functionality, enter the name of the User Groups in this field. Separate multiple groups with a comma. i.e.: Southeast Region, Northeast Region


Please note that imported articles will not be automatically published to your app. After import, you must click on each article and select if you would like to schedule it to publish later, or make a change to activate the save button, save and publish changes to your app to push the article to the app immediately. There is no current way to import and automatically publish articles without this manual step.

  • id: This ID is generated by Aloompa when the data is imported. Leave this column blank.
  • feedMappingID*: This id is created by the client and needs to be unique and should not be used again for other articles.
  • subject: This is the header of the news article and will appear at the top of the article screen in bold.
  • body: This is the body of the news article. 
  • image: This image will only be used if you are a Premium client using a Discover screen. This image will appear on the Discover screen. This should contain URLs (links) to images. Please make sure that the image URL is actually a URL for an image, not simply a link to where you have the image stored. For example, this might look like an image URL but it is not.  -- The image must be hosted on a publicly available website where anyone can access them without a password. Otherwise, you must save them to your local machine and upload them individually from your computer. For a quick video on how to share your images correctly from Google Drive or Dropbox, click here.
  • status: PUBLIC = visible, PRIVATE = hidden. Enter in all capital letters either PUBLIC or PRIVATE.
  • categoryIds: These are IDs generated by Aloompa. Leave this column blank unless you have the IDs. If using, you can separate multiple categories with a comma.
  • categories*: Categories should be created in CMS before importing. They must match exactly. If you'd like to have multiple categories, then separate them with a comma. 
  • userGroups: If you are using our User Groups functionality, enter the name of the User Groups in this field. Separate multiple groups with a comma. i.e.: Southeast Region, Northeast Region


  • id: This ID is generated by Aloompa when the data is imported. Leave this column blank.
  • feedMappingID*: This id is created by the client and needs to be unique and should not be used again for other partners. We recommend listing them as 101,102,103,104, and so on for how ever many entries you have.
  • name: This is the name of the partner/sponsor. App users will not see this name, it is for internal purposes in the CMS.
  • status: PUBLIC = visible, PRIVATE = hidden. Enter in all capital letters either PUBLIC or PRIVATE.
  • image: This image will appear on the list of partners in the partners/sponsors tab of your app. The recommended size is approximately 640w x 178h pixels. This should contain URLs (links) to images. Please make sure that the image URL is actually a URL for an image, not simply a link to where you have the image stored. For example, this might look like an image URL but it is not.  -- The image must be hosted on a publicly available website where anyone can access them without a password. Otherwise, you must save them to your local machine and upload them individually from your computer. For a quick video on how to share your images correctly from Google Drive or Dropbox, click here.
  • categoryIds: These are IDs generated by Aloompa. Leave this column blank unless you have the IDs. If using, you can separate multiple categories with a comma.
  • categories*: Categories should be created in CMS before importing. They must match exactly. If you'd like to have multiple categories, then separate them with a comma. 
  • deepLinkId: These are IDs generated by Aloompa. Leave this column blank unless you have the IDs. 
  • deepLink: If you have an existing deeplink in the CMS that you would like this Partner image to link to, add that deeplink title in exactly as it appears in the CMS. If you would like this import to create a new deeplink, give it a title of your choice with this field and the system will create a Native Webview deeplink with this title and the URL you provide in the next column.
  • deepLinkUrl: To link the partner image to a URL, enter that URL in this field beginning with https://
  • userGroups: If you are using our User Groups functionality, enter the name of the User Groups in this field. Separate multiple groups with a comma. i.e.: Southeast Region, Northeast Region


  • id: This ID is generated by Aloompa when the data is imported. Leave this column blank.
  • feedMappingID*: This id is created by the client and needs to be unique and should not be used again for other banners.
  • name: This is the name of the partner/sponsor applicable to this banner. App users will not see this name, it is for internal purposes in the CMS.
  • status: PUBLIC = visible, PRIVATE = hidden. Enter in all capital letters either PUBLIC or PRIVATE.
  • image: This image will appear as the banner image anywhere this banner is applied in your app. The recommended size is approximately 640w x 100h pixels. This should contain URLs (links) to images. Please make sure that the image URL is actually a URL for an image, not simply a link to where you have the image stored. For example, this might look like an image URL but it is not.  -- The image must be hosted on a publicly available website where anyone can access them without a password. Otherwise, you must save them to your local machine and upload them individually from your computer. For a quick video on how to share your images correctly from Google Drive or Dropbox, click here.
  • categoryIds: These are IDs generated by Aloompa. Leave this column blank unless you have the IDs. If using, you can separate multiple categories with a comma.
  • categories*: Categories should be created in CMS before importing. They must match exactly. If you'd like to have multiple categories, then separate them with a comma. 
  • deepLinkId: These are IDs generated by Aloompa. Leave this column blank unless you have the IDs. 
  • deepLink: If you have an existing deeplink in the CMS that you would like this banner image to link to, add that deeplink title in exactly as it appears in the CMS. If you would like this import to create a new deeplink, give it a title of your choice with this field and the system will create a Native Webview deeplink with this title and the URL you provide in the next column.
  • deepLinkUrl: To link the partner image to a URL, enter that URL in this field beginning with https://
  • userGroups: If you are using our User Groups functionality, enter the name of the User Groups in this field. Separate multiple groups with a comma. i.e.: Southeast Region, Northeast Region


  • id: This ID is generated by Aloompa when the data is imported. Leave this column blank.
  • feedMappingID*: This id is created by the client and needs to be unique and should not be used again for other products. We recommend listing them as 101,102,103,104, and so on for how ever many entries you have.
  • name: This is the name of the product. It will be visible to the app users so should be given a name with that in mind. 
  • description: This is a description of the product that is available. 
  • formattedPrice: This is the price of the product that is available. 
  • image: This image will appear along with the name and description of the product. This should contain URLs (links) to images. Please make sure that the image URL is actually a URL for an image, not simply a link to where you have the image stored. For example, this might look like an image URL but it is not. - The image must be hosted on a publicly available website where anyone can access them without a password. Otherwise, you must save them to your local machine and upload them individually from your computer. For a quick video on how to share your images correctly from Google Drive or Dropbox, click here.
  • status: PUBLIC = visible, PRIVATE = hidden. Enter in all capital letters either PUBLIC or PRIVATE.
  • placeid: These are IDs generated by Aloompa. Leave this column blank unless you have the place IDs. 
  • Place: This is the location of the place where this product is available. It should be listed in the "Places" sheet or already entered into the CMS. The name here should match exactly how the place is listed (case and spacing).
  • userGroups: If you are using our User Groups functionality, enter the name of the User Groups in this field. Separate multiple groups with a comma. i.e.: Southeast Region, Northeast Region
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